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Belief in the self-steering capacity of a group

Queering voices 
Workshop "structure" 


  • We diverge and converge starting from an open conversation

  • Action reflection cycles following the direction of the individual/collective needs

  • Outcome is unknown - the process is the main focus

  • Reflect and imagine

  • Play!


  • Parts of the process can be shared with other people outside the group (if the researchers are willing to)

Get in touch if you want to know more about this fascinating process.


  • Create a safer space to be able to express ourselves freely

  • Defining, refining, proposing, experimenting through experiential learning

  • Discover new parts of yourself

  • Gaining collective and individual insight in our voices (in/and the world)

  • Being present and focussed on the process rather than the product

  • Allow yourself to "fail" as a part of the process

  • Develop co-leadership

  • Generating archives of new knowledge and ideas together

  • Have fun! 


Fragments of a few experiments during the research

Morning - soundscape

A few words from the participants/researchers (2021)

"It was honest, to the point, it was nice to feel that it was possible to be vulnerable in this space."

"I have learned a lot of things, there is a really positive energy during the workshops. Sometimes we don't realize how important sound is en that how you feel also expresses itself through your sounds." 

"I am happy after this last session, freestyling makes me happy, the sessions made me think about emotions linked to sound - I feel like putting even more intention into sound in my own practice." 

"When I was little I used to imitate animal sounds all the time. I wonder why I stopped doing this? It has been lovely coming back to that, it's actually so much fun!"

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